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Tiger and the "sex" texts.....

Walter Bishop

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He seems a right thicko if you ask me !! Why would you leave texts etc if you didnt want to get caught???


He didn't leave them. She saved them, and most phones have a 'sent messages' section too.


Poor old Tiger. This is the weirdest story ever, and I can't condone what he's done to his wife, the victim in all this - but if he ever sat down with a shrink, it's pretty obvious what the first question would be:


"Tell me about your father, and how you felt when he died".

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Lol, those texts messages are pretty cringeworthy.


Tiger is a bit of a textpest IMO


Indeed. The things that gets me though is that the guy is so insecure, asking her all the time if she's got a guy at the moment or whether she has been laid. I mean, you're having an affair with her man, it's none of your business who else she may be seeing! She, on the other hand, is really nice with her replies, trying to put his mind at rest.

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Indeed. The things that gets me though is that the guy is so insecure, asking her all the time if she's got a guy at the moment or whether she has been laid. I mean, you're having an affair with her man, it's none of your business who else she may be seeing! She, on the other hand, is really nice with her replies, trying to put his mind at rest.


:lol: good point.


Not to mention the 6 other women who he is porking on the side, who cares what this ones up to when you can sextext another.


I would call him a legend for having a hot wife and 7 hoors on the side including porn stars, strippers and waitresses but he has a child so its all a bit shan IMO.


Look forward to seeing the reaction he gets when hes back on the course :curtain:

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Look forward to seeing the reaction he gets when hes back on the course :curtain:


It's gonna give a whole new meaning to those shan chants of "you da man, Tiger!"; and of course, "get in the hole"... :hat2:

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It's gonna give a whole new meaning to those shan chants of "you da man, Tiger!"; and of course, "get in the hole"... :hat2:


:lol: He must be dreading it already.


He's really fecked himself big time.

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:lol: He must be dreading it already.


He's really fecked himself big time.


I don't think that's the issue here though. :stuart:

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For all it's supposed multi-culturality the USA seems keen to categorise its people. Or at least the people themselves do. Or at least TW does.

If those are in any way genuine.


Anyhoo, getting back to the point...yeah...it is a bit cringeworthy.

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I P Knightley
i read somewhere the other day,he shafted kirsty gallacher


It's a "story" well kent among the journos and hangers-on of the golf circuit.


In the same way that 'everyone knows' about Gary Lineker biffing Montgomerie's wife, 'everyone knows' about Tiger 'visiting' Kirsty Gallacher. Up the council gritter.





I may have made that last bit up.

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Given the news tonight that 'Big Boy' Woods is taking an 'indefinite leave of absence' from golf, two things come to mind.


1. Jack Nicklaus's Major record will endure past Mr Woods.


2. I would not put any money on him winning any tournament, even the Kingsknowe Golf Club Sunday Medal in the next year.


At times I've thought of Tiger Woods as the Complete Golfer but an incomplete human being.


At least Jesper Parnevik can relax with the thought he won't have to share a tee with the bloke.

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Given the news tonight that 'Big Boy' Woods is taking an 'indefinite leave of absence' from golf, two things come to mind.


1. Jack Nicklaus's Major record will endure past Mr Woods.


I doubt it. I think he will be back out there within a year and back to his best within two. That still gives him plenty time to win 5 majors.

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:lol: good point.


Not to mention the 6 other women who he is porking on the side, who cares what this ones up to when you can sextext another.


I would call him a legend for having a hot wife and 7 hoors on the side including porn stars, strippers and waitresses but he has a child so its all a bit shan IMO.


Look forward to seeing the reaction he gets when hes back on the course :curtain:


As said earlier the Ryder Cup will be pretty interesting.:2thumbsup:

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Tiger as expected taking the celebrity standard route. He will disappear for a while and then a few pictures of him and his wife in happy family mode will be published. A couple of appearances on the talk show circuit, with lots of talk about his therapy, and how he has resolved his personal issues. When it all comes down to it the bad in the whole thing will be the public who with their idolising of him caused him to be a bad boy. Celebrity PR hacks could make Adolf Hitler look good, aye even Vlad.


Its hard to say though if he will ever return to his golf greatness, extended time out can effect even the best to return to former standards. If the worst comes to the worst he will have to settle for $150. hookers instead of $15,000 ones.

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The fact that he is a famous golfer and of course one of the most famous men on the planet should have made him aware that there is a basic truth about celebrities


'If you sleep around someone will find out or someone will sell her/his story'

(same holds true for pictures/videos -- if you make one it will get out)



Everytime they are tempted to do so they should remember the above -- after which they at least know the consequences.


PS hope he salted some money away or signed a pre-nup -- divorce can be expensive especially as the 'guilty' party.


I think his Oprah interview will be due early in the new year where he can cry his eyes out and plead for forgiveness -- or am I too cynical ?

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Why do people like that get married? That was his big mistake.


Shagging honeys all round the world when your single = Top bloke

When you have a beautiful wife = **nt


His career can only be saved by Oprah and PR now.

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I P Knightley
PS hope he salted some money away or signed a pre-nup -- divorce can be expensive especially as the 'guilty' party.


The stories are that Elin will take $300m from the pre-nup. Leaves Tiger with only $700m to spend on hookers.

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Miller Jambo 60
The stories are that Elin will take $300m from the pre-nup. Leaves Tiger with only $700m to spend on hookers.


Our own knicker poster should get himself along to some big golf evets when Tigers back.

Can see a few women discarding their panties in woods direction.:smiley2:

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The Mighty Thor
The stories are that Elin will take $300m from the pre-nup. Leaves Tiger with only $700m to spend on hookers.


Every day more and more comes out. It's brilliant.


$25,000 orgies wtih 15 electric cookers at a time...... superb.


There for the grace of god (and $1 billion) go I. :2thumbsup:

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The pre nup was published here as $20,000,000 if she stayed with Tiger for two years, he upped it last week to $60,000,000 if she stayed ten years. Of course undisclosed was what her monthly personal allowance , and child support would bring it to.

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I LOVE that Tiger is turning out to be the biggest 'Lad' ever.


Everyone used to think he was so dull......but this is obviously not the case.

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has a right good sense of humour saying he is more "bone thugs and harmony"


doubt she was toodifficult to lay seeing as she doesn't know difference between there and their


amazed at how big this story has become. every celeb has. beckham didn't have half this exposure. somehow in our country he managed to come out as the family man while villifying loos. likewise lance armstrong wrecked his pure guy tag yet came out smiling

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