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East Glasgow - Life expectancy 11 years lower than UK average!


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Have to agree.


This Labour government has turned the poorest in the UK into leeches in return for guaranteed votes.


A Tory government might just be the best thing for them.


Is this why the election is during the Glasgow fair,are these the people that are more likely not to be on holiday?

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Guest S.U.S.S.
All i can say is thank God you don't get any neds, junkies, or crime in Edinburgh


CCP - The acceptable face of Glasgow:)


Any man that hates Bono, must be a good man!

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Ivan Drago
CCP - The acceptable face of Glasgow:)


Any man that hates Bono, must be a good man!




i'll convert the rest of Glasgow to the church of Hating Bono before i die!!!

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Doctor FinnBarr
Anywhere that is labelled East is usually a sh** hole:


East end Glasgow

East end London

East Germany

East Whitburn

East er road




the list could go on


I'd argue over the East Whitburn bit!


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Guest S.U.S.S.


i'll convert the rest of Glasgow to the church of Hating Bono before i die!!!


Good man, this charlatan should be outed everywhere.:)

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John Findlay
ah your part of the health mafia(whitch im sorry means your always moaning:p:p:p) i had never picked up on that from your posts which i have always enjoyed btw


but again your making sweeping generalizations about a massive area which i suspect you know **** all about apart from a constant barrage of statistical annalists that does not take into account the massive concentration of one specific demographic group. Added to a Glaswegian social backdrop that(historically)meant the second your doing well for your self you moved to the west end or out off town ,a social phenomenon that leads to the creation of ghettos worldwide


now at the risk of being a condescending ***** i know from your post you are well traveled enough to have seen these things before and also to know there are lies damn lies and statistics so i suspect there is a wee bit of Edinburgh anti weggie bias going on here


i will repeat the east end is far far from the hell hole its life expectancy figures paint it



I am no member of the health mafia. Let me put you straight on a few things.

My father is from Clydebank and I have numerous relatives in the west of scotland from Clydebank to Coatbridge and many places in between, including Springburn which I think can be classified as the east end of Glasgow.

I base my debate on the evidence of my own eyes. Before I make my next comment I will say this happens where I live in Edinbugh. There are those that would rather put the money they receive from the state straight into the hands of a bookmaker, pub landlord or off licence or some drug dealer than rather in the mouths of themselves or their offspring. That what they do put in their offspring is often not healthy but cheap and nasty crap. They then wail that is all they can afford when it is blatantly obvious that if they had not given their money to the aforementioned oh and the tabacco industry then they could live a half decent healthy life. They make the choices and mostly the wrong choices. Not because they are poorly educated(they get the same opportunities I and thousands of others had) but, they make the easy lazy choices. Lots of them are unfit to be parents and male and female of them should be sterilised in order not to inflict misery on others as in their offspring.


I appreciate this may not be a popular view but it is mine after witnessing alot of it with my own eyes.


The sad thing is their is not a politician out there with the guts to say so as they are frightened to be shot down but the liberalists, do-gooders(who in my experience do more harm than good), and excuse makers for these people.


There are good people in the east end of Glasgow but unfortunately like a lot of places today they get dragged down by the not so good people who will always take what they consider to be the lazy/easy option.





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I am no member of the health mafia. Let me put you straight on a few things.

My father is from Clydebank and I have numerous relatives in the west of scotland from Clydebank to Coatbridge and many places in between, including Springburn which I think can be classified as the east end of Glasgow.

I base my debate on the evidence of my own eyes. Before I make my next comment I will say this happens where I live in Edinbugh. There are those that would rather put the money they receive from the state straight into the hands of a bookmaker, pub landlord or off licence or some drug dealer than rather in the mouths of themselves or their offspring. That what they do put in their offspring is often not healthy but cheap and nasty crap. They then wail that is all they can afford when it is blatantly obvious that if they had not given their money to the aforementioned oh and the tabacco industry then they could live a half decent healthy life. They make the choices and mostly the wrong choices. Not because they are poorly educated(they get the same opportunities I and thousands of others had) but, they make the easy lazy choices. Lots of them are unfit to be parents and male and female of them should be sterilised in order not to inflict misery on others as in their offspring.


I appreciate this may not be a popular view but it is mine after witnessing alot of it with my own eyes.


The sad thing is their is not a politician out there with the guts to say so as they are frightened to be shot down but the liberalists, do-gooders(who in my experience do more harm than good), and excuse makers for these people.


There are good people in the east end of Glasgow but unfortunately like a lot of places today they get dragged down by the not so good people who will always take what they consider to be the lazy/easy option.






Springburn is North Glasgow John. Definitely not the East End.

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Captain Lithuania
are you an idiot?


there are places just like that in England


The people in East of Glasgow have been given the same chances as you and me with regards to Health, housing and schooling.


they have turned out like that as they are just naturally trash


Merseyside has 5 of the 10 poorest postcodes in the UK

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Get a life for christsake. Your moronic nonsense wasn't funny the first thousand times either.


You're not Maddox and never will be.



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I am no member of the health mafia. Let me put you straight on a few things.

My father is from Clydebank and I have numerous relatives in the west of scotland from Clydebank to Coatbridge and many places in between, including Springburn which I think can be classified as the east end of Glasgow.

I base my debate on the evidence of my own eyes. Before I make my next comment I will say this happens where I live in Edinbugh. There are those that would rather put the money they receive from the state straight into the hands of a bookmaker, pub landlord or off licence or some drug dealer than rather in the mouths of themselves or their offspring. That what they do put in their offspring is often not healthy but cheap and nasty crap. They then wail that is all they can afford when it is blatantly obvious that if they had not given their money to the aforementioned oh and the tabacco industry then they could live a half decent healthy life. They make the choices and mostly the wrong choices. Not because they are poorly educated(they get the same opportunities I and thousands of others had) but, they make the easy lazy choices. Lots of them are unfit to be parents and male and female of them should be sterilised in order not to inflict misery on others as in their offspring.


I appreciate this may not be a popular view but it is mine after witnessing alot of it with my own eyes.


The sad thing is their is not a politician out there with the guts to say so as they are frightened to be shot down but the liberalists, do-gooders(who in my experience do more harm than good), and excuse makers for these people.


There are good people in the east end of Glasgow but unfortunately like a lot of places today they get dragged down by the not so good people who will always take what they consider to be the lazy/easy option.








I seem to agree with 99.9% of your posts


Worryingly for you JF hahahahah

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This survey of parliamentary constituencies has Glasgow with the top3 and 4 in the top 10. It was 2002 though.




I strongly believe that if Glasgow was wiped out (here's hoping) and it was started afresh, within time it would go right back to where it is now


It is just filled with horrible filth

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I strongly believe that if Glasgow was wiped out (here's hoping) and it was started afresh, within time it would go right back to where it is now


It is just filled with horrible filth


The West End has as high a standard of living as anywhere in Scotland. The whole anti-Glasgow thing is pretty silly to be honest. Edinburgh has some areas that are easily as bad as anything over here. Scotland has 2 great cities and having lived in both, Glasgow just edges it for me.

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Pete Seeger
I am no member of the health mafia. Let me put you straight on a few things.

My father is from Clydebank and I have numerous relatives in the west of scotland from Clydebank to Coatbridge and many places in between, including Springburn which I think can be classified as the east end of Glasgow.

I base my debate on the evidence of my own eyes. Before I make my next comment I will say this happens where I live in Edinbugh. There are those that would rather put the money they receive from the state straight into the hands of a bookmaker, pub landlord or off licence or some drug dealer than rather in the mouths of themselves or their offspring. That what they do put in their offspring is often not healthy but cheap and nasty crap. They then wail that is all they can afford when it is blatantly obvious that if they had not given their money to the aforementioned oh and the tabacco industry then they could live a half decent healthy life. They make the choices and mostly the wrong choices. Not because they are poorly educated(they get the same opportunities I and thousands of others had) but, they make the easy lazy choices. Lots of them are unfit to be parents and male and female of them should be sterilised in order not to inflict misery on others as in their offspring.


I appreciate this may not be a popular view but it is mine after witnessing alot of it with my own eyes.


The sad thing is their is not a politician out there with the guts to say so as they are frightened to be shot down but the liberalists, do-gooders(who in my experience do more harm than good), and excuse makers for these people.


There are good people in the east end of Glasgow but unfortunately like a lot of places today they get dragged down by the not so good people who will always take what they consider to be the lazy/easy option.






My old boy was brought up in Springburn/Balornock and it's in the North side not the East end. You could drop it in the east end and it wouldn't look out of place though.

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