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East Glasgow - Life expectancy 11 years lower than UK average!


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not low enough in my opinion


they truly are vile through there

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Guest S.U.S.S.
not low enough in my opinion


they truly are vile through there


Agreed, ned central.


Shame its only 11 years.

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And whilst we are on the subject of Glasgow East, it is being debated on Question time with regards to the bi election


All i8hibsh can say is


Who gives a fiddlers fig!

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Chuck Berry
not low enough in my opinion


Another example of your beloved Union at work......how the people in the East End of Glasgow have benefitted.

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not low enough in my opinion


they truly are vile through there


and what is your problem with the east end of glasgow

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Another example of your beloved Union at work......how the people in the East End of Glasgow have benefitted.


The delusion of JKB strikes again. Yes it is the fault of the Union that the East end of Glasgow is full of **** who live their lives like the useless human beings they are. :wacko:


You really think if Scotland was Independent the East end would turn into some sort of Monte Carlo...:rolleyes:


and what is your problem with the east end of glasgow


Eh. Well the question wasn't directed at me but I will answer anyway. I have walked through it before. I was more disgusted and in fear of being robbed by some little wretched excuse for a human being that when I was wondering around El Salvador for 3 days on my todd.


The East end of Glasgow is a disgrace to Scotland and the UK.

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The East End is by and large, an extremely deprived area.


Much of Glasgow and Scotland's problems stem from this area. I remember reading that 3 of the 4 poorest post codes in the UK were in East Glasgow.


It's not somewhere i ever go if i can help it.

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Chuck Berry
The delusion of JKB strikes again. Yes it is the fault of the Union that the East end of Glasgow is full of **** who live their lives like the useless human beings they are. :wacko:


You really think if Scotland was Independent the East end would turn into some sort of Monte Carlo...:rolleyes:

Merely pointing out that it's a disgrace in this day an age that the life expectancy of people living in Scotland's largest city is so low, our beloved Union cannot have served them well at all.


The rest of your post is just bigoted crap.

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Patrick Bateman

Isn't it as bad to be anti-glaswegian as it is to be anti-english? Or are notions of inferior nationality (or regionality) only applicable when it suits?

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Agreed, ned central.



That bit is so true.


The neds in Glasgow are the finest examples of the species any where. The neds from the East End are the creme de la creme of Glasgow neds and there is some fierce competition!!

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Eh. Well the question wasn't directed at me but I will answer anyway. I have walked through it before. I was more disgusted and in fear of being robbed by some little wretched excuse for a human being that when I was wondering around El Salvador for 3 days on my todd.


i can honestly say i have never been scared in the east end of glasgow dont confuse poverty with being hard

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Doctor FinnBarr
i can honestly say i have never been scared in the east end of glasgow dont confuse poverty with being hard


But you live in Troon!


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Guest S.U.S.S.
That bit is so true.


The neds in Glasgow are the finest examples of the species any where. The neds from the East End are the creme de la creme of Glasgow neds and there is some fierce competition!!


Ha, Ned Wars


A new Channel 4 gameshow to find the nediest ned around.;)

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Guest S.U.S.S.
Merely pointing out that it's a disgrace in this day an age that the life expectancy of people living in Scotland's largest city is so low, our beloved Union cannot have served them well at all.


The rest of your post is just bigoted crap.


Step forward George Galloway;)


Way to go, shout bigot early, that should rally the troops:)



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But you live in Troon!



i don't mate i now live in dennston right in the heart of the east end i considered a name change when i moved, portobellojambo1 helpfully suggested i call myself parkhead jambo i wont tell you my response to that suggestion ;)


mind you if as many of the troops get lifted at parkhead this year it will be handy as instead of there misses having to drive down from the east coast to london road police station i can saunter down and pick them up ;););)

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Another example of your beloved Union at work......how the people in the East End of Glasgow have benefitted.


are you an idiot?


there are places just like that in England


The people in East of Glasgow have been given the same chances as you and me with regards to Health, housing and schooling.


they have turned out like that as they are just naturally trash

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and what is your problem with the east end of glasgow


TJ I am fresh from a suspension, i wanna at elast go a couple of weeks suspension free so I wont answer that


But let me just say they are mod edit

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I still can not belive the sheer stupidity of some people


East of Glasgow is the absolute cess pitt that it is because of the Union!!


Funny it never done Edinburgh and most oplaces outside Glasgow much harm

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are you an idiot?


there are places just like that in England


The people in East of Glasgow have been given the same chances as you and me with regards to Health, housing and schooling.


they have turned out like that as they are just naturally trash


Should really just let this go.


But what a ridiculous statement to make. Absolute rubbish.

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Merely pointing out that it's a disgrace in this day an age that the life expectancy of people living in Scotland's largest city is so low, our beloved Union cannot have served them well at all.


The rest of your post is just bigoted crap.


there are well documented reasons for the health blackspot that is the east end however there has been a massive regeneration of the area in the last 10 years common sense tells you that as health problems are long term so are there solutions


as for this dangerous bit there are many towns in ayrshire i would be far more worried about going out for a pint in than here

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John Findlay

Pesonally I think the East end of Glasgow is a perfect example of ignorant people. They dont give a hoot who is in government as they will lead the lives they have always led and that is to do what they please and when they please and to hell with the consequences to themselves and others.


They could lead far healthier lives if they so desired but, they choose not too. So I hope they stop moaning soon and those that sympathise with them and blame everything on poverty and low standard of living etc etc. Wise up and let them get on with it.







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are you an idiot?


there are places just like that in England


The people in East of Glasgow have been given the same chances as you and me with regards to Health, housing and schooling.


they have turned out like that as they are just naturally trash


if your prepared to move then you are correct (shades of norman tebbitt) if however you want to stay where you were brought up where your parents are then you are wrong up untill the last 10 years the woefull state of schooling housing and APPALLING high levels of unemployment in the east end is a recorded fact

the health issue is different but as i have already stated health(which is primary a diet fags and booze thing ) is long term and will take years to fix

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Pesonally I think the East end of Glasgow is a perfect example of ignorant people. They dont give a hoot who is in government as they will lead the lives they have always led and that is to do what they please and when they please and to hell with the consequences to themselves and others.


They could lead far healthier lives if they so desired but, they choose not too. So I hope they stop moaning soon and those that sympathise with them and blame everything on poverty and low standard of living etc etc. Wise up and let them get on with it.







whos moaning john politicians the health mafia (who really get on my tits)statisticians and hmfc supporters from Edinburgh :dribble:mouth off about it

the born and bred east end people i associate with think its a great place and i must admit i agree


as for the sweeping generalizations getting made about a entire populace of a massive area which is overwhelmingly white working class eats to many pies and generally far too obsessed with football (sound like any group you hang about with john)

i am saddened:sad::sad:

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John Findlay
whos moaning john politicians the health mafia (who really get on my tits)statisticians and hmfc supporters from Edinburgh :dribble:mouth off about it

the born and bred east end people i associate with think its a great place and i must admit i agree


as for the sweeping generalizations getting made about a entire populace of a massive area which is overwhelmingly white working class eats to many pies and generally far too obsessed with football (sound like any group you hang about with john)

i am saddened:sad::sad:


Who's moaning? The self same people who would rather put a bag of sweeties inside their wean than a piece of fruit. The ones who expect the world to owe them a living instead of getting of their backsides and earning a living themselves. East end of Glasgow is not alone in this. I live in the West Pilton area of Edinburgh and we have these people too but, the east end of Glasgow it would appear has more than its fair share of these people.


I am not far to obssessed with football and I dont eat alot of pies for the simple fact alot of them disagree with me. But I am a fruit fanatic and boy it keeps me regular.





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Drew Busby !

The Commonwealth Games will help but flipping burgers for a few months on minimum wage is not a long term answer. Given that the games will probably be held against the backdrop of a UK Tory government, then Glasgow East punters can expect no favours from that quarter once the games circus leaves town.


What the area needs is serious targeted investment and some "tough love" to overturn the dependancy culture that Labour has bred into generations of voters there.

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The Commonwealth Games will help but flipping burgers for a few months on minimum wage is not a long term answer. Given that the games will probably be held against the backdrop of a UK Tory government, then Glasgow East punters can expect no favours from that quarter once the games circus leaves town.


What the area needs is serious targeted investment and some "tough love" to overturn the dependancy culture that Labour has bred into generations of voters there.


What the area needs is a Protestant work ethic :rolleyes::527:

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What the area needs is a Protestant work ethic :rolleyes::527:


it is a overwhelmingly orange/protestant diehard rangers area common misconception

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it is a overwhelmingly orange/protestant diehard rangers area common misconception



It was a joke hence the ' :rolleyes: '.

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Who's moaning? The self same people who would rather put a bag of sweeties inside their wean than a piece of fruit. The ones who expect the world to owe them a living instead of getting of their backsides and earning a living themselves. East end of Glasgow is not alone in this. I live in the West Pilton area of Edinburgh and we have these people too but, the east end of Glasgow it would appear has more than its fair share of these people.


I am not far to obssessed with football and I dont eat alot of pies for the simple fact alot of them disagree with me. But I am a fruit fanatic and boy it keeps me regular.






ah your part of the health mafia(whitch im sorry means your always moaning:p:p:p) i had never picked up on that from your posts which i have always enjoyed btw


but again your making sweeping generalizations about a massive area which i suspect you know **** all about apart from a constant barrage of statistical annalists that does not take into account the massive concentration of one specific demographic group. Added to a Glaswegian social backdrop that(historically)meant the second your doing well for your self you moved to the west end or out off town ,a social phenomenon that leads to the creation of ghettos worldwide


now at the risk of being a condescending ***** i know from your post you are well traveled enough to have seen these things before and also to know there are lies damn lies and statistics so i suspect there is a wee bit of Edinburgh anti weggie bias going on here


i will repeat the east end is far far from the hell hole its life expectancy figures paint it

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Merely pointing out that it's a disgrace in this day an age that the life expectancy of people living in Scotland's largest city is so low, our beloved Union cannot have served them well at all.


The rest of your post is just bigoted crap.


Wow. I didn't think the 'I class anything I don't like as bigoted' brigade could get any lower but you have managed it. Impressive.


I think the East end of Glasgow is full of ****. That makes me a bigot. :wacko:


Wow. Even amongst all the nonsense that is posted on this site (Some of it by me to be fair :)) your post truly stands out.

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I think its unfair to brand the East End as the worst place in Scotland. Try Paisley or Greenock.

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Wow. I didn't think the 'I class anything I don't like as bigoted' brigade could get any lower but you have managed it. Impressive.


I think the East end of Glasgow is full of ****. That makes me a bigot. :wacko:


Wow. Even amongst all the nonsense that is posted on this site (Some of it by me to be fair :)) your post truly stands out.


he clearly thinks the east end is a catholic area and your annimosity to it is based on that as it is not even close to being correct(see above) its hard to see how more wrong he can be unless you did think that ;);)


personally i would imagine your and other posters animosity is a edinburgh anti glasgow thing which i dont think you could call bigoted as its a inter city rivalry's with the inevitable extra umph that internet forums produce with language and viewpoints

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I think its unfair to brand the East End as the worst place in Scotland. Try Paisley or Greenock.


indeed and if your talking about likelihood of getting a right good kicking for no reason try the mirraid of hard as nails towns in ayrshire the local neds round here would run a mile in addrossan killwining ect


and while crime statistics will tell you the east end is murder capital of scotland its very rare for it to be non gang non drugs related same goes for fighting and general kickings if you are not involved you are as safe here as anywhere maybe more so in certain areas


also if your talking worst place how about carfin and ill throw in larkhall so no one calls me a bigot even though larkhall is much improved as are whole chunks of glasgow

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he clearly thinks the east end is a catholic area and your annimosity to it is based on that as it is not even close to being correct(see above) its hard to see how more wrong he can be unless you did think that ;);)


personally i would imagine your and other posters animosity is a edinburgh anti glasgow thing which i dont think you could call bigoted as its a inter city rivalry's with the inevitable extra umph that internet forums produce with language and viewpoints


Nothing to do with the specific area of Glasgow. I don't like the place as a whole. I am sure there are decent people out there from Glasgow and I don't have a problem with that.


However Glasgow, as a place, is somewhere I seriously dislike. Wouldn't say that is bigoted as it has nothing to do with people's views or opinions or beliefs. I just don't like the place. Surely that is allowed..:rolleyes:

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not low enough in my opinion


they truly are vile through there




Im actually suprised its only 11 years lower

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Nothing to do with the specific area of Glasgow. I don't like the place as a whole. I am sure there are decent people out there from Glasgow and I don't have a problem with that.


However Glasgow, as a place, is somewhere I seriously dislike. Wouldn't say that is bigoted as it has nothing to do with people's views or opinions or beliefs. I just don't like the place. Surely that is allowed..:rolleyes:


i would agree i thought he was out of order playing the bigot card inter city rivalery is not bigoted though i am very fond of glasgow

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Toxteth O'Grady

Everything from Paisley Toll to about 2 miles past Parkhead should just be concreted over.

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Guest S.U.S.S.
Wow. I didn't think the 'I class anything I don't like as bigoted' brigade could get any lower but you have managed it. Impressive.


I think the East end of Glasgow is full of ****. That makes me a bigot. :wacko:


Wow. Even amongst all the nonsense that is posted on this site (Some of it by me to be fair :)) your post truly stands out.


I disagree with your use of the word "end" therfore you Sir, are a bigot:confused:

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Should really just let this go.


But what a ridiculous statement to make. Absolute rubbish.


Ok please tell who's fault it is?

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Anywhere that is labelled East is usually a sh** hole:


East end Glasgow

East end London

East Germany

East Whitburn

East er road




the list could go on

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Pete Seeger
and what is your problem with the east end of glasgow


The people.

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Everything from Paisley Toll to about 2 miles past Parkhead should just be concreted over.


It would be a waste of good concrete mate

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Step forward George Galloway;)


Way to go, shout bigot early, that should rally the troops:)




I presume that Alex Salmond is excluded from the 'shout bigoted' principle then? :rolleyes:

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not low enough in my opinion


they truly are vile through there




Get a life for christsake. Your moronic nonsense wasn't funny the first thousand times either.


You're not Maddox and never will be.

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What the area needs is serious targeted investment and some "tough love" to overturn the dependancy culture that Labour has bred into generations of voters there.


Have to agree.


This Labour government has turned the poorest in the UK into leeches in return for guaranteed votes.


A Tory government might just be the best thing for them.

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Anywhere that is labelled East is usually a sh** hole:


East end Glasgow

East end London

East Germany

East Whitburn

East er road




the list could go on




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Guest S.U.S.S.
I presume that Alex Salmond is excluded from the 'shout bigoted' principle then? :rolleyes:


I just thought id give Ales a day off from my abuse;)

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