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The what are you reading at the moment fred

Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

Looking for some ideas on what to read next. Currently reading Tony Blair's book. Nearly finished it, quite an interesting read especially the parts about N.Ireland, the formation of New Labour and Sept 11th. What's weird about it though is the way it reads is scarily similar to how a certain Shaun.Lawson writes on here! :mellow:


Anyway, any suggestions? Quite fancy something based on war.

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Looking for some ideas on what to read next. Currently reading Tony Blair's book. Nearly finished it, quite an interesting read especially the parts about N.Ireland, the formation of New Labour and Sept 11th. What's weird about it though is the way it reads is scarily similar to how a certain Shaun.Lawson writes on here! :mellow:


Anyway, any suggestions? Quite fancy something based on war.



This is even scarier.



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the witching hour (again) by anne rice and the magdalene legacy which is about jesus' bloodline and how MM was painted as whore by the catholic church, but never actually was

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Just started Frankie Boyle's biography (literally) page 3.


Agree with Heaven98 though

Beevor's books strip all the "glory" type recollections of WW2 and tell the raw and brutal reality

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Is 'The girl with the dragon tattoo' any good?


Never thought I'd say this about a book but I preferred the film. The second film was great as well.


Currently reading "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens. It's one of the latest Penguin Classics released at $A10 (less 35% discount with a Borders voucher). Bargain!

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Konrad von Carstein

Is 'The girl with the dragon tattoo' any good?


Unusually for me I watched the film and never bothered with the book....if it is as good as TGWPWF then it will be a good read.

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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

Any books by Antony Beevor. "Stalingrad" is particularly harrowing.



Just started Frankie Boyle's biography (literally) page 3.


Agree with Heaven98 though

Beevor's books strip all the "glory" type recollections of WW2 and tell the raw and brutal reality


That's exactly what I'm after, will check this guy out. Cheers lads. Frankie Boyles book is quite funny in parts but I got bored of it pretty quickly.

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Like AP I too am reading Mr. Blair's memoirs. I'm also digging a fair whack of Ted Hughes stuff (the stories about Last Letter the last few weeks have got me right back into it) I'm always game for a good old fashioned detective novel too. That and supernatural thrillers like Dean Koontz & Stephen King (natch).


I finished reading the millennium trilogy about 2 months ago and was mightily impressed.

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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

Like AP I too am reading Mr. Blair's memoirs. I'm also digging a fair whack of Ted Hughes stuff (the stories about Last Letter the last few weeks have got me right back into it) I'm always game for a good old fashioned detective novel too. That and supernatural thrillers like Dean Koontz & Stephen King (natch).


I finished reading the millennium trilogy about 2 months ago and was mightily impressed.


:thumbsup: Thoughts? Do you see this Lawson thing or am I just spending far too much time on here?!

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Konrad von Carstein

nightwatch by sergei lukyanenko


saw the film the book so far is even better


Good call :thumbsup: Daywatch is also good.


After a quick look there are a further 2 books in this series "Twighlight Watch" and "Last Watch" a trip to Waterstones is required I think.

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Konrad von Carstein

:thumbsup: Thoughts? Do you see this Lawson thing or am I just spending far too much time on here?!



You know the answer to that yourself :lol::P

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:thumbsup: Thoughts? Do you see this Lawson thing or am I just spending far too much time on here?!


I do see it, it's uncanny and I should imagine Shaun will take that as a compliment.


As you you spending too much time on here...

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Fiction mood at the moment so I am reading:


Casino Royale by Ian Fleming




Mr American by George MacDonald Fraser.


Enjoying both of them.

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Creepy Lurker

Not got much free time to read for leisure at the moment, which is a shame, but what time I do have I'm spending on Conn Iggulden's Empire of Silver, the fourth and final part of his Mongol series.


I had some concerns about this one, wasn't sure if it'd maybe lose something now that Genghis is out of the picture, but I'm glad to say that I needn't have worried. As brilliant as ever.

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Not got much free time to read for leisure at the moment, which is a shame, but what time I do have I'm spending on Conn Iggulden's Empire of Silver, the fourth and final part of his Mongol series.


I had some concerns about this one, wasn't sure if it'd maybe lose something now that Genghis is out of the picture, but I'm glad to say that I needn't have worried. As brilliant as ever.



I'm waiting for that to appear in paperback. I have read the first three and have his Roman trilogy ready to start.

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Say What Again

Is 'The girl with the dragon tattoo' any good?


But seriously am currently reading "the Girl Who Played with Fire"...quite absorbing read IMO.


I read the trilogy last year, and while I did enjoy them, they certainly didn't live up to the hype that surrounded them at that time.


A decent enough 7/10 from me.




I'm attempting to read A Death in Tuscany by Michele Giuttari just now. It's well reviewed, but as I'm reading it in small doses of a chapter here and there, I'm struggling a little to remember who's who and where's where (as obviously all people and place names are Italian). I think it'd be better suited to a holiday read when you devour chapters at a time, so can keep on top of it.


Once I finish it, I'm moving on to Jeffery Deaver's Roadside Crosses. I reckon that'll be me read all 30(ish) of his books when I'm done - though he does have another coming out next week. :thumbsup:

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War related - "City of Thieves" by David Benioff is set around the siege of Lenningrad and is absolutely brilliant.


I see Steig Larrson getting a few mentions. I have "The Snowman" by Jo Nesbo sitting in my to-read pile. Fans I

know of the aforementioned Mr larsson have raved about it. Meant to be even more creepy as well!

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I've got the Blair book to read as well, but doing so much reading for work just now that I'm not finding the time for it - think I got to chapter 2 if I'm lucky.


Aside from that, I've got the Benazir Bhutto book, Reconciliation: Democracy, Islam and the West, to have a swatch at, along with The Audacity Of Hope by Obama. Will let you know how I get on with both of them, AP.

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Say What Again
I see Steig Larrson getting a few mentions. I have "The Snowman" by Jo Nesbo sitting in my to-read pile. Fans I

know of the aforementioned Mr larsson have raved about it. Meant to be even more creepy as well!

On reading your post G2, I popped on to Amazon for a quick look at the book, and intending on buying it.


I noticed it's part of a series centering round a detective called Harry Hole. It's actually the 7th book in the series - and the others all score higher on the Amazon reviews. I think I'll check these out, but will start at beginning.


Cheers :thumbsup:

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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

Not long started this.


In light of recent events my timing is pretty good.





Is this any good? I usually find most football books a bit shit but a few people have mentioned this.

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Chad Sexington

Is this any good? I usually find most football books a bit shit but a few people have mentioned this.


Yeah. It's written almost like a novel at points. The boy is quite a flashy but enjoyable writer who has really done his homework.


It's actually pretty shocking and Blatter comes across as a crooked little rat.

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The People's Chimp

Reading the dirty havana trilogy, which at least lives up to one part of its name. An immensely readable journey through one man's cuban existence and ability to rattle anything in sight. It's both sparse and descriptive, cold and warm, and is to be highly recommended.


Also picked up 4 music books to get through, including the narky luke haines biography and john robb's stone roses book, which I know will infuriate me in places.


I also picked up a voltaire collection in french when I was in paris, for about ?1.20 so I'm going to try and work my way through that. Candide is one of the funniest books going (well, considering it's age) and is a pretty easy read, so I'll be trying to refresh my french and read a bit of that.


  • "Alas! My dear... unless you have been raped by two Bulgarians, stabbed twice in the belly, have had two castles destroyed, two fathers and mothers murdered before your eyes, and have seen two of your lovers flogged in an auto-da-fe, I do not see how you can surpass me; moreover, I was born a Baroness with seventy-two quarterings and I have been a kitchen wench."

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Reading the dirty havana trilogy, which at least lives up to one part of its name. An immensely readable journey through one man's cuban existence and ability to rattle anything in sight. It's both sparse and descriptive, cold and warm, and is to be highly recommended.


Also picked up 4 music books to get through, including the narky luke haines biography and john robb's stone roses book, which I know will infuriate me in places.


I also picked up a voltaire collection in french when I was in paris, for about ?1.20 so I'm going to try and work my way through that. Candide is one of the funniest books going (well, considering it's age) and is a pretty easy read, so I'll be trying to refresh my french and read a bit of that.


  • "Alas! My dear... unless you have been raped by two Bulgarians, stabbed twice in the belly, have had two castles destroyed, two fathers and mothers murdered before your eyes, and have seen two of your lovers flogged in an auto-da-fe, I do not see how you can surpass me; moreover, I was born a Baroness with seventy-two quarterings and I have been a kitchen wench."



That was my favourite book as a youngster!


Must have read it 7/8 times through, but when I went back to it a few years ago I couldn't believe how badly written it was. Spelling errors right through my edition and all sorts. :o Robb also comes across a bit like a snobby 13 year old fanboy. That said, the story's still there and it'll keep you more than interested. Let me know what you reckon to it when you're done.


If I was recommending a rock biog, I'd say Timeless Flight about the Byrds is among the best I've read. Some great stories in there, and the boy who wrote it usually updates it with a new edition quite regularly.

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Say What Again

The Angels Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon


Excellent so far



Read that as soon as it game out, as I thoroughly enjoyed The Shadow of the Wind (which, oddly, is set after TAG).


Both excellent reads, but I think SotW was marginally better.

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Chad Sexington

Will be purchasing this soon as it looks a rollicking good boys own kind of read. :)


The boy parachuted into Nazi controlled France wearing his kilt and led a brilliant resistance campaign.


Absolute nap to eventually be made into a film.



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Looking for some ideas on what to read next. Currently reading Tony Blair's book. Nearly finished it, quite an interesting read especially the parts about N.Ireland, the formation of New Labour and Sept 11th. What's weird about it though is the way it reads is scarily similar to how a certain Shaun.Lawson writes on here! :mellow:


Anyway, any suggestions? Quite fancy something based on war.



I do see it, it's uncanny and I should imagine Shaun will take that as a compliment.


As you you spending too much time on here...


So now I know why I'm a Blairite! :lol: I'm saving the book to read on the plane to Uruguay or New York, whichever comes first (I may be heading to NYC for Xmas and the New Year, but aren't quite sure yet).


Currently reading How Life Imitates Chess by Garry Kasparov. Dull title; anything but dull book. :thumbsup: Too much TESOL-related reading at the mo to do much more beyond that though.

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Oh, you're at the beginning of something amazing.


I'm quite jealous. I wish I could read them from scratch again.

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Walter Bishop

I am working my way through Harlan Coben`s series about Myron Bolitar the sports agent.


very good.


currently on this one.....




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