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Gene Cernan passes away


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Sad loss and sad to think we aren't being as ambitious as we were with manned space flight.


Despite Kennedy's "we go to the moon" and Armstrong's "one small step" being the iconic words around the Apollo missions I still think Cernan's last words whilst preparing to get back in the LEM are the best:


"As I take man's last step from the surface, back home for some time to come ,but we believe not too long into the future, I'd like to just say what I believe history will record: That America's challenge of today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return: with peace and hope for all mankind."


Real heroes these guys.

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Always sad to lose someone who has achieved something most of us can't even comprehend !


Thankyou Gene, R.I.P !

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Not only was the last man to leave his footprints, he was the last man to pilot a landing.


The Taurus-Littrow landing was technically the most difficult.  It was a valley with high mountains either side and there was a sort of crevasse running through it.  The LEM had to be piloted with pinpoint precision.


Anyone interested in watching the video here it is


Also anyone interested in the whole collection of NASA material have a look here.  Similar repositories are available for all the other missions.


RIP Gino.    A real man.      


Yes yes I know it was all faked Mr Space Mackeral.

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Seymour M Hersh

Always sad to lose someone who has achieved something most of us can't even comprehend !


Thankyou Gene, R.I.P !


Just choobs like that interstellar sprat.

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It's a shame that all the old Apollo astronauts are dying off with no one replacing them. 



Great sentiments.

To think that some ignorant twats think it never occurred.

To my mind that is a slur on the character and bravery of all who were involved in the Apollo missions, particularly the three astronauts who perished in the fire on the Apollo 1 launch tower.

Some people have no respect and should be ashamed.

Apologies for the rant.


Buzz Aldrin know how to handle these idiots



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Bridge of Djoum



It's a shame that all the old Apollo astronauts are dying off with no one replacing them. 




Buzz Aldrin know how to handle these idiots



This sprang to my mind as I read Jono's post. 


I always thought it was John Glenn who threw the punch though.


I live and learn,.... hopefully.

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